James E. Stoudt
Senior HR Consultant & Compensation Specialist
James assists HR on the Move clients with a wide range of tasks including organizational design, compensation and total rewards, HR operations and services, training and leadership development, and talent acquisition. He has had a multi-track global career with senior HR generalist and total rewards roles in leading Fortune 50/Global 150 companies: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), The Coca-Cola Company and Cigna; and multiple contracting arrangements in total rewards with Comcast Cable. He has had lengthy periods living abroad in the UK (5+ years), Singapore (5+ years) and New Zealand (~3 years). He has also served as an HR generalist consultant for small and medium sized businesses through his own company prior to joining HR on the Move.
James’ other career track has been to provide HR consultation for global and local NGOs and charitable organizations in North and South America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.  He is also a certified Teacher of English as a Second Language and long-time volunteer ESL tutor.
He is a graduate of Messiah University with Honors and served as a regional/global conference speaker and past member of multiple professional advisory boards.